Thursday, September 22, 2011

Troy Davis was executed yesterday, despite 7 of the original witnesses recanting AND another person confessing to the crime.

According to Amensty International over 130 people have been freed from Death Row after evidence of their innocence was proven. How many innocent people have already been murdered by the Death Penalty? And when the case is incontrovertible - a smoking gun in their hand such as the guilt of Lawerence Russell Brewer (who was also executed yesterday) for the killing of James Byrd Jr., is the state's murder of the transgressor any better than the original murder? Is it truly justice when we continue to risk killing the innocent in hopes of getting the guilty?

The U.S. carries out more executions than any other liberal democracy in the world. In the "Americas", (this includes North and South and the Eastern Caribbean) only one country carried out death penalty executions in 2010 and that was the U.S. with a total of 46.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"