Monday, July 30, 2012

Prejudice and Bigotry With a Side of Waffle Fries

Banning Chik-Fil-A is not the right answer...although it has made me happy to hear so many cities opposing what they do...However! We cannot not take away their rights in order to gain our own. But we can and must...vigorously and vocally make known what they are doing.

Their money to the tune of 5 million dollars has supported the efforts to try and make it legal to execute homosexuals in Uganda, they have funded the Family Research Council an organization listed as a hate group by Southern Poverty Law Center, they have given money to the National Organization for Marriage, and they have funded Exodus an organization that uses reparative therapy in an attempt to cure gays, despite every credible mental health institution in the country saying that not only does it not work, it is harmful.

We want our families, friends, neighbors and co-workers to know...if you eat there, this is what your money goes to. The owner has every right to say, as he has, that same sex marriage will bring the wrath of God down on this country. And we have every right to say, we disagree.

All that is wrong with this country is not because of the LGBTQ community, what has happened to families is not our fault. The broken economy, homes being repossessed, unemployment, skyrocketing prices on food, gas, medical care and durable goods, astronomical amounts of money much of it unaccounted for, that was spent on an illegal armed conflict in Iraq. It is the fault of those who have put greed above the interests of human beings; those who have used our lives as a political football in the culture wars in an attempt to deflect from their duplicity. And it is also those who have condemned us from their pulpits as a means to generate income in their offering plates.

Equality it is inevitable. And each time we stand up and demand it, each time we expose the harm, it is my personal wish that each time we demonstrate our own bravery, that we help a young person who is struggling. To know that they can stay alive, that they have a right to not be bullied, to be all of who they are without fear, to have fulfilling lives with love and joy. It is our duty and stand up...not only for ourselves but for all the young ones who are hoping, praying, suffocating in their fear and silence...for it to just get better.

So yes, anyone has the right to eat at CFA...just know the harm that they do...with each...and...every bite....

"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I do hope you'll join all the good folks who will stand for EQUALITY at a Chik-Fil-A near them on August 1st. I'll be at the one on Markham in Little Rock, AR.