Thursday, February 19, 2015

Cut to the Chase - Stone Me!

Dear Arkansas:

There is a movement afoot in our legislature to create laws, SB202 and HB1228 that are for the direct purpose of allowing discrimination against Arkansans of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender persuasion. One will ban cities from providing full civil rights protections to its residents. At the same time SB202 also selectively usurps the Arkansas established standards of Home Rule.

HB1228 will allow anyone to use their personal religious beliefs to refuse services to anyone who doesn't fit their religious code’s standards. Nothing slippery about that one. Given that this effort is rooted in the good Christian faith of some of our citizenry, then let’s just cut to the chase. Let’s not waste time and tax payer dollars on lawsuits; if you’re going to allow any aspect of the Bible to dictate civil law then let’s just get to it. Stoning. Public stoning to death for myself and the rest of Arkansas’ LGBT community.

Now then, where to hold such an event? How about at Verizon Arena? That ought to be big enough to hold all of the folks in Arkansas that think their religious opinions give them the right to dictate public law that impacts ALL Arkansans. It would be like a real coliseum event! So hurry up! Gather up your family, bring the kiddies and call all of your friends. Pack a picnic lunch.

Hey! I know! You could have a lottery, sell tickets to see who wins the right to hurl the first stone at my head! Here’s another great idea, you can take photographs of my dead body and make them into postcards. You can create a little micro-business selling them. Then use one of your postcards to write a note to your Aunt Betty and ask her to come for a visit. Tell her how beautiful Arkansas' parks, rivers and people are. And let her know that Arkansas has some of the best queer stoning events in the country! Oh wait! You can get more for the bang too! Let's get rid of those pesky stubborn sons, adulterers, those who take God's name in vain, etc. too!

Please. Let me know the date as soon as you can. I need to get my affairs in order and say good-bye to my mom and dad, my five brothers, my two daughters, my two grandchildren and all the rest of my relatives. I’d like to say farewell to all of my beloveds and all the good people of Arkansas that I have had the privilege of knowing.

Sincerely yours,

Randi M. Romo