Wednesday, September 4, 2013

For the Love...

To stay in a place of love in this work requires effort. More than any partner or child has ever called for. It requires a constant state of patience and forgiveness. It requires one to rise above pettiness, hurt, anger and selfishness. 

Working from a place of love in the face of systemic oppressive institutions and the chicanery of your own feels like dancing on razor blades. And is required. 

Love asks of us a pragmatism of giant proportions. Love requires that we care when it seems that we cannot for one second more. Love requires that we patch our hearts together though they be broken and bleeding. For truly... Every single act of change has stood upon the shoulders of love. 

Sometimes I am afraid I will run out of duct tape to hold this heart together. But then someone else standing in a place of love hands me a roll and reminds me of the meaning