Sunday, March 7, 2010 God... Not Always the Glory

I have long been preplexed by the fervent adoration, praise and worship of God by some whose daily walk is distinctly at odds with this faithfulness they profess. And while I do not identify as Christian, the premise of Christianity is very familiar to me. I was raised by a Christian mother and I was incarcerated in a Christian girl's school when I was a teenager. Because of this I have long been exposed to what it means to be Christian.

I see these Kool-Aid Christians telling lies, getting drunk, manipulating people, being sexually promiscuous, cheating on their partners both emotionally and physically, hurting others and lacking in overall accountability.

I wonder at the self-delusion that must be so strong that they can't or refuse to see the contradiction. The hypocrisy is so evident and it makes one feel almost embarrassed for them.

I don't know...maybe it's just me, but I've just always thought that one should walk the walk of their talk...I'm just sayin.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you. I could fill a book with all the Christian hypocrisy I've encountered with people who have a problem with my sexuality yet see nothing wrong with cheating on a spouse, having kids out of wedlock, etc. I don't have a problem with kids being born outside of marriage but if you're a so-called Christian, shouldn't you be having a child inside a marriage?
