Wednesday, April 27, 2016

April 23 - Meat

The prompt for this poem is to use the first line of someone else's poem. I'm using Michael Klein's Other Horses

I wept in a stable
the smell of horses
long time gone
as are most of the
animals that used to be
There's been no
steak to be had for 
many years now
no smell of bacon
in the morning
no chicken or eggs
just a constant of
repeat dreams for
Hamburger Helper
that whole meal
we used to make
in one frying pan
We've done this thing
so called 
evolved mankind
killed off everything
except our sorry selves
not a church mouse
nor minnow survived
leaving us to eat
soy patties with
soy protein shakes
cold on the side
all kinds of flavors
except the ones 
we crave
multi-vitamin chasers
cap off our meals
while rumors swirl
sparking excitement
that they've found a
new way to make meat
something they've
done up in a lab
over across the sea
they whoever they are
claim it tastes just like
good ground sirloin
it'll be getting shipped
to our stores any day
Word is it will cost a lot
way more than we
pay now for the soy
but I don't care
I'm saving my dollars
I'll be first in line
for some of that
new Soylent Green

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